I printed off a few designs from my collection of images onto a sheet of transfer paper. I cut them out close to the edges of the images, except on the words. Also, I flipped the images so that they would be correct once transferred to the clay. This is most evident with the "test" images.
Previously, I had test baked samples of the various polymer clays available at my local Joanns, Hobby Lobby and Michaels. I found that the Sculpey Premo brand was the most flexible and least brittle once baked. My other test squares all snapped in half with not too much effort. The Premo bent into a "U" shape without breaking at all. I also rolled out some white Premo using the thickest setting on my clay machine (Sculpey brand purchased at Joanns--reg priced $25, but paid $15 with 40% off coupon). Using clay shape cutters, I cut several small shapes. I use a smooth bathroom tile from Home Depot for my work surface. I can pop it right in the oven and I don't have to worry about the clay chemicals on my kitchen table. The clay should not be used with any tools that will later be used to prepare food. I then place an image on each one and rubbed to get all parts firmly attached to the clay.
Next came baking--275 degrees for 5-7 minutes. Remove the clay and gently pull off the paper. Continue baking to finish polymerizing the clay. The Premo clay requires 30 minutes total for a 1/4 inch thick piece. Mine are about 1/8 inch thick, but 30 minutes seemed fine.
The transfer worked great in that the image was transferred in vivid colors to the clay, but I did not like the edge that was left by the small border of unprinted transfer paper. In the future, I will try to have the paper go completely to the edge of the clay.
Overall, this image transfer method definitely has potential. One huge advantage for me is that it works with inkjet printers. There are other methods, but many require laser prints and most of us do not have a color laser printer in our home. Stay tuned to see my future image transfer projects. On the list of things to do is to make zipper pulls for my kids that have their names on the back--in case they misplace their belongings.
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